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In the space of just over a month I was tasked with 3 projects. 

I pitched for the work, analysed their current site & competitors and made suggestions based on this. 

Whilst working for CF I was the sole UX/UI/Product designer ensuring an end to end process was carried out and results were delivered.

Customer flow project

Challenge: Introduce phone product | tidy up flow | reduce drop-off


Problem: Current design was not up to par. Too many customers were bouncing and the checkout flow was messy. On top of that a new product was being introduced.


Solution: Create a help me choose feature, add the phone packages, redefine the homepage & restructure the checkout.


Benefit: Aid customer understanding and engagement whilst collating valuable data and insight. Resulting in a more enticing deal and stress free checkout. Higher conversion rate, decrease in bounce rate.



1) Heuristic review, analysis & general suggestions. Working with developers to iron out basic issues and best practices

2) Wireframing & creating a design system

3) Hi Res Prototyping 

4) Moderated user testing

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 16.12.21.png
Screenshot 2021-10-17 at 18.54.46.png
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