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To enhance the strength of a truly multi-channel business by further blurring the lines between physical and digital shopping. To create a more consistent experience that gives House of Fraser a competitive advantage by appealing to today's onmi-channel consumers who are using all channels simultaneously and capitalising on all possible transactions, creating customer enjoyment and therefore loyalty.



Create a function within the House of Fraser app that allows consumers to scan the shopw windows and shop the contents of the windows on the app. Digital window shopping will aid busy consumers intentionly enticed by window displays by providing faster access to the desired products and benefit House of Fraser with increased transactions.




Firm wide roll out of the 'shoppable window concent' across all House of Fraser stored. Using 'Layar' technology customers can scan a POS and interact with either the products in the window or folow a more content rich experience such as entering a competition or being part of a curated social media tag. This has lead to increased app downloads and has captured more sales and cusomer intrest. It has also been rolled out across other Fraser marketing material such as The Home Brochure.

Ariella Window Display for LFW

App downloads: +7% vs previous Saturday

20% increase in App visits

90 scans

B'ham app AOV +42% vs previous weekend

B'ham app revenue +243% vs previous weekend

App downloads: +7% vs previous weekend

Style Birmingham Live

Black Friday Brand Event

Use in Magazine & App

517 scans

Revenue: £1,599



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